Legend Of Lolla 2

Game Design
In an age of metaverses, crypto currencies, and NFTs, sometimes a little nostalgia is just what the doctor ordered. We designed and developed a web game where players must navigate the nocturnal streets of Chicago, battling with the power of dance and friendship against larger than life characters in an attempt to discover the featured artists from this years lineup. The Legend of Lolla served as a love letter to the games of yesteryear, reminiscent of those cherished moments of dimly lit Pokémon bedtime battles and sweaty Final Fantasy boss fights.
Users Engaged
Avg. Engagement Time
4m 18s
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Band Name Unlocks
With nostalgia at the core of the art direction, we intended to evoke a deep nostalgia for the festival fans, harking back to the games that shaped their childhood. Rooted in these sentiments, our design decisions proved to do just that, as evidenced by users averaging a playtime of 4 minutes and 18 seconds, resulting in a collective fan dwell time of a 191 days. Legend of Lolla even generated some buzz on reddit subthreads and Lolla discord channels, reflecting a community working together to share tips on which dance party combos worked best and even hacking the source code with the ultimate end goal of finding all of the band names in the game.
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